Tips for Treating and Preventing Anal Fissure

Anal fissures are painful tears in the skin of the anus. While they can be uncomfortable and painful, they are relatively common and can often be treated with simple dietary and lifestyle changes. In this blog, Dr. Sandhya Bade, a certified General Surgeon in Pune, will discuss the causes and symptoms of anal fissures as well as tips for treating and preventing them. Dr. Bade will provide helpful advice for those suffering from anal fissures or for those looking to prevent them in the future. With her expertise, readers will have an in-depth understanding of anal fissures and how to best manage them.

What is Anal Fissure?
Anal fissure are small tears in the lining of the lower rectum (anal canal) that cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. They can be caused by trauma, such as during childbirth, a difficult bowel movement, or anal intercourse. They can also develop due to chronic diarrhea or constipation, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or infection. Anal fissures can be very painful, and they can lead to spasms of the muscles around the anus called anal sphincter spasm. These spasms can make the pain worse and make it difficult to pass bowel movements. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, such as increasing fiber in the diet and increasing water intake, to reduce constipation. Other treatments may include medications, such as muscle relaxants or ointments, to relax the anal sphincter and promote healing. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Overview of Anal Fissure and their symptoms
Anal fissures are small tears in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. Symptoms of anal fissures can include:

  • A sharp pain during bowel movements, often followed by a deep burning or itching sensation that can last up to several hours
  • Bright red blood on the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl
  • Painful lumps or skin tags near the anus
  • Discomfort when sitting
  • A visible crack in the skin around the anus
  • Muscle spasms in the anal area
  • Difficulty controlling bowel movements

Fissure Treatment in Pune

Medical Treatment
Surgical Treatment: Surgical treatment is the most common type of treatment for anal fissures. It involves cutting a small portion of the sphincter muscle to reduce spasm and pain. This procedure, known as a lateral internal sphincterotomy, is usually done under general anesthesia and typically requires a short stay in the hospital.

Non-surgical Treatment: Non-surgical treatments for anal fissures include topical medications, such as nitroglycerin ointment or a topical steroid cream, to help relax the sphincter muscle and reduce the spasm and pain. Other treatments, such as warm baths, sitz baths, and stool softeners, may also be recommended to help reduce pain and promote healing of the fissure. Lifestyle changes & proper diet may also help to prevent the recurrence of anal fissures.

Home Remedies for Treating Fissures

1. Soaking the affected area: Soaking the area in a warm bath or sitz bath can help to reduce the pain and discomfort of an anal fissure. Adding Epsom salt to the water can help to reduce inflammation and pain. The area should be soaked for 10-15 minutes at least three times a day.

2. Increasing fiber intake: Increasing fiber intake can help to soften the stool, leading to less strain and pressure on the anal region. Eating more fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help. Increasing fluid intake can also help fiber to work more effectively.

3. Applying topical ointments: Applying topical ointments such as zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, or hydrocortisone can help to reduce inflammation and pain. These ointments should be applied to the affected area two to three times a day.

4. Exercise & Drink water: Regular exercise can help to promote digestion and reduce constipation, leading to softer stools and less strain on the anal region. Increasing water intake can also help to soften the stool and reduce constipation. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day can help to prevent dehydration and promote regularity.

Preventing Fissures

  • Maintaining proper hygiene is one of the most important steps in preventing fissures. This includes washing the anal area with warm water and mild soap after each bowel movement, and gently patting the area dry with a clean, soft cloth. Avoiding perfumed and deodorant soaps and using a non-irritating lubricant such as petroleum jelly or a water-soluble lubricant may also help reduce irritation and prevent fissures.
  • Increasing water intake is also important for preventing fissures. Drinking plenty of water helps keep the stool soft and easier to pass, reducing the risk of tearing and irritation in the anal area.
  • Eating a high fiber diet is also important for preventing fissures. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, as well as drinking plenty of fluids, can help keep the stool soft, reducing the risk of tearing and irritation.
  • Don’t ignore your urge to go. If you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, it is important to try to go as soon as possible. Delaying bowel movements can lead to hard stools, increasing the risk of fissures.
  • Practice healthy bowel habits. This includes avoiding straining or pushing too hard when having a bowel movement and avoiding sitting on the toilet for too long. It is also important to avoid harsh wiping and using rough toilet paper that can further irritate the anal area.
  • Frequent diaper changes for infants can also help reduce the risk of developing fissures. Keeping the diaper area clean and dry can help prevent irritation and discomfort.

The goal of treating and preventing fissures is to reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort. To accomplish this, it is important to keep the area clean and dry, use a topical ointment or cream to reduce inflammation, and take steps to prevent further irritation. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to reduce inflammation or recommend a procedure such as laser therapy. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.

Fissures can be painful and uncomfortable, but the good news is that they are usually treatable and preventable. At Visarjini Clinic, Dr. Sandhya Bade is a leading proctologist and female specialist in pune. She provides the best fissure treatment to help patients get relief from the pain and discomfort caused by fissures. Treatment for fissures depends on the severity and cause of the condition. Dr. Sandhya Bade will assess your condition and provide you with the best treatment to suit your needs. Dr. Sandhya Bade is committed to providing the highest quality of care to her patients. She works closely with her patients to ensure that they receive the best treatment for their condition. If you are suffering from a fissure, please visit Dr. Sandhya Bade for the best fissure treatment in Pune.