Appendix Removal Surgeon in Pune

Appendix Removal Surgeon in Pune Dr. Sandhya Bade

Appendix surgery

The appendix is a tube-like organ which is a few centimeters long. It is attached to the beginning of your large intestine, or colon. This is usually below and to the right of your belly button. You probably know that the appendix can become inflamed. If the appendix needs to be removed, you can live without your appendix and not develop any long term issues.

The appendix is a small, finger-shaped organ that branches off from the first part of the large intestine. When it becomes swollen (inflamed) or infected, the condition is called appendicitis. When you have appendicitis, your appendix may need to be removed. An appendix that has a hole in it can leak and infect the entire abdomen area. This can be life threatening.

Appendectomy is done using either:

  • Spinal anesthesia — Medicine is put into your back to make you numb below your waist. You will also get medicine to make you sleepy.
  • General anesthesia — You will be asleep and not feel any pain during the surgery.

The surgeon makes a small cut in the lower right side of your belly area and removes the appendix.

The appendix can also be removed using small surgical cuts and a camera. This is called a laparoscopic appendectomy.

If the appendix broke open or a pocket of infection (abscess) formed, your abdomen will be washed out during surgery. A small tube may be left in the belly area to help drain out fluids or pus.



Why the Procedure Is Performed

An appendectomy is done for appendicitis. The condition can be hard to diagnose, especially in children, older people, and women of childbearing age.

Most often, the first symptom is pain around your belly button:

  • The pain may be mild at first, but it becomes sharp and severe.
  • The pain often moves into your right lower abdomen and becomes more focused in this area.

Other symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Fever (usually not very high)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Reduced appetite

If you have symptoms of appendicitis, seek medical help right away. DO NOT use heating pads, enemas, laxatives, or other home treatments to try to relieve symptoms.

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