Suprapubic catheterization

Suprapubic Catheter Doctors in Pune

Suprapubic catheterization

A suprapubic catheter (sometimes called an SPC) is a device that’s inserted into your bladder to drain urine if you can’t urinate on your own.

Normally, a catheter is inserted into your bladder through your urethra, the tube that you usually urinate out of. An SPC is inserted a couple of inches below your navel, or belly button, directly into your bladder, just above your pubic bone. This allows urine to be drained without having a tube going through your genital area.

SPCs are usually more comfortable than regular catheters because they aren’t inserted through your urethra, which is full of sensitive tissue. Your doctor may use an SPC if your urethra isn’t able to safely hold a catheter.

What is a suprapubic catheter used for?

An SPC drains urine directly out of your bladder if you’re not able to urinate by yourself. Some conditions that may require you to use a catheter include:

  • urinary retention (can’t urinate on your own)
  • urinary incontinence (leakage)
  • pelvic organ prolapse
  • spinal injuries or trauma
  • lower body paralysis
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  • bladder cancer

Are there any possible complications?

SPC insertion is a short, safe procedure that usually has few complications. Before the insertion, your doctor may recommend taking antibiotics if you’ve had a heart valve replacement or are taking any blood thinners.

Possible minor complications of an SPC insertion include:

  • urine not draining properly
  • urine leaking out of your catheter
  • small amounts of blood in your urine

Are there any possible complications?

An SPC usually stays inserted for four to eight weeks before it needs to be changed or removed. It may be removed sooner if doctor believes that you’re able to urinate on your own again.

To remove an SPC, doctor:

  1. Covers the area around your bladder with underpads so that urine doesn’t get on you.
  2. Checks the insertion area for any swelling or irritation.
  3. Deflates the balloon at the end of the catheter.
  4. Pinches the catheter right where it enters the skin and slowly pulls it out.
  5. Cleans and sterilizes the insertion area.
  6. Stitches the opening shut.

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